Thursday, June 28, 2012


I feel a little like I am floundering. I have done a lot on this project, but every time I look at my list of what I wanted to accomplish I feel like I barely scratched the surface.

I have one day left after today, so I know I'm not going to suddenly accomplish everything in a day and a half. But I feel like I should still be doing something. I just can't figure out what.

I could work on the revisions to my survey based on the feedback I received. But it feels overwhelming every time I look at it.

I could work on creating templates, and did a little bit. But I hate trying to create something where someone else can just plug in information even though the information may not go neatly into a template without some educated decisions.

Which led me to thinking that I could write instructions on how to use the template and how to make decisions on what information to use and how and what not to use. But I again get overwhelmed thinking about whether or not I can anticipate every scenario.

What I did do today, besides starting a brief OCLC Constant Data file for recital recordings:

  • Did some more [very basic] internet searches on other institutions digitizing their recital and concert recordings
  • Emailed the MLA-L list to ask if anyone worked at an institutions that had comprehensive guidelines for what information students supply for their recital programs
  • Studied my five point list of what my project was going to accomplish (leading me to write this post)
And that was it.  I still have a good chunk of the day left, but I'm not feeling motivated right now.

Most likely tomorrow I'll no longer be floundering, I'll start panicking instead and second guessing everything about the last six months.

Image source morgueFile

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